
Riveting, Intriguing, Apocalyptic and Patriotic Novel!

  This shocking fiction is Biblically based but also is a socio-economic-political thriller with supernatural overtones and a huge twist that you won't soon forget!  The author of Hungry Nation weaves an edge-of-your-seat pre-apocalyptic adventure. Laced with fundamental governmental truths, the parallel reality of the spiritual realm, and the fierce allegiance of fearless patriots, this novel, Hungry Nation will strike a chord in people wo love the USA . This is fiction at its finest.   Order at Amazon online in Kindle for $9.95 , or order a PDF e-book copy for $5.95 at the author's website. A discounted and autographed paperback version can be purchased at the website for $14.00+ shipping.  Get with us for shipping outside the USA.  Go to our website here: Photizo Publishing & Productions Greg and Deborah Nichols

The Kingdom of God and Your Finances

What is the first thing Jesus preached when He finally started His ministry on Earth? How do we tie Old Covenant wealth to today's believers?  Is the preaching of abundance and prosperity New Covenant? Is there a revelation to trigger financial miracles? Where does the Kingdom of God on Earth reside? How important are Kingdom laws? How do we set an atmosphere for Heaven to move for us? Are there Divine mysteries that effect our lack or abundance? 

I Know the One Who Promises!

  Deborah in Arkansas watching #17, our grandson, Brady Slavens, play for the Razorbacks.  “The One Who Promises...” by Deborah Nichols   We all need faith daily. Faith is an imperative in God’s Kingdom. It moves mountains, calms storms, brings peace, and receives the promises. It is the substance of things hoped for, and it is even impossible to please God without it. (Hebrews 11:1,6) I have noticed different endeavors in people to “have faith.” They say they have faith for this or that but if you press for what the basis of their faith is, they stumble. Now the Word says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) The Word is God; Jesus, the Word, came in the flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:1,14)  God’s intent is that we know God’s Word and thereby know Him. You can’t have faith in something simply because you say you do. You must know the One Who has promised the promise and not just the promise itself....

On God, Light, Time, Eternity and Scientific Concepts

Time and Light! (A writing from the Bible by Pastor Greg Nichols) We have a free e-book for you on this subject! Science has determined through Einstein's theories that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down. Once you hit the speed of light, (186,200 miles per second) time stops for a person and matter is converted to energy. (Light energy) Now the Bible says God is light. (1 John 1:5) Might God and His angels move at the speed of light? Could that be why they are not visible to man,  because we cannot approach the speed of light, unless God wants us to? I wouldn't even bring this up as it sounds pretty far out there, except, ......... the Bible says this too: ".....the King of kings, the Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, (eternity) dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen." 1 Timothy 6:16 A great man of God said this: "When science discovered timelessness through light sp...