On God, Light, Time, Eternity and Scientific Concepts
Time and Light!
(A writing from the Bible by Pastor Greg Nichols)
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Science has determined through Einstein's theories that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down. Once you hit the speed of light, (186,200 miles per second) time stops for a person and matter is converted to energy. (Light energy) Now the Bible says God is light. (1 John 1:5) Might God and His angels move at the speed of light? Could that be why they are not visible to man, because we cannot approach the speed of light, unless God wants us to?
You just read 1 Timothy 6:16, let me paraphrase it here: Jesus lives in eternity, which is light, which is unapproachable, and while He is there, we cannot see Him unless he is back into physical form from the potential energy of spirit light that He may exist in. He possibly accomplishes this by slowing down.
(Now you may think that I am trying to convince you that God is a ray of light. I would have never written this blog unless God had already said, "...God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5b)
I am not the first one to express God is in a different time speed and time frame of reference. Read 2 Peter 3:8, a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. God Himself made this observation.
More thoughts: God has 1 day pass and it is 1000 years for us. This may be a key that God has revealed. (2 Peter 3:8) Also, Psalm 90:4a "for a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past..." Creation took 6 days, and we according to Bible Scholars are in the approximate year 6000. ( 2022 AD) We are still due the millennial reign of Jesus, 1000 more years or 1 more day to total the 7 days of Creation key. The Sun was made in the 4th day, Christ the Son came at the end of millennial year 4000 or 0 AD. Things do match up. The 1000 year Millennial Reign of Christ will possibly be on the 7th day of rest in Creation which is the 7th Millennium.
So,.... 1 day to 1000 years is about 1 to 365,000, or as a fraction, 1 over 365,000. Playing with my calculator, every time God has several seconds pass, we have 1 day. Seconds to God is our 1 day. It makes sense why we could not see His movement, His actions, hear Him audibly or even see His physical form, because at that speed, he is in another Heavenly dimension from us. He and Jesus are unapproachable physically by us, (but not spiritually) and man will never achieve light speed, he is too fragile. We know that from our space shuttle accidents. That is,....... fallen man. What could Adam have done? Adam was enveloped in glory and majesty, the lord over Creation under His Lord.
In one book I wrote, called "The Serpentless Garden" I speculated that the earth could not handle the population if there was no death, such as it does now. Might some of the other planets have been made for the purpose of housing Adam's generations, and our power to space travel be limitless if Adam and Eve had not sinned?
On the other hand, Jesus is the first re-glorified man, and we will be like that too, and we will experience the limitlessness Adam should have had when we are fully redeemed into His glory forever and forever. These are fun speculations, but not doctrines. I won't debate them because seeing through a dark glass leaves too many unknowns.
Am I the only saved and believing science nerd that thinks of these things?
FREE E-BOOK: I wrote a book called, "God is Light." There is much on miracles, science, Einstein, time and eternity, the glory and much more! Go to this website to see how to access it today.
Greg & Deborah Nichols
Photizo Publishing & Productions
White Fields Ministries
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