I Know the One Who Promises!
Deborah in Arkansas watching #17, our
grandson, Brady Slavens, play for the Razorbacks.
One Who Promises...”
Deborah Nichols
God’s intent is that we know God’s Word and thereby know Him. You can’t have faith in something simply because you say you do. You must know the One Who has promised the promise and not just the promise itself. If a person I do not know came up to me and said, “I am going to give you a million dollars tomorrow,” would you have faith in that promise without knowing this person? I doubt it, though I might be hopeful! I can, however, take God at His Word because I know Him. I know Him because I have learned (and am still learning) Who He is. He is faithful; He is just; He is not a man who can lie; He is love; He is always for me; He never has left me; His plans for me are good; and on and on.
I know all these things because I have read and studied His Word and come to know Him through spending time with Him in His Word. I trust Him; I trust what He says because I know Him, and I have a relationship with Him. The result is that I now use my faith in Him to believe that EVERYTHING He says is true and I go after those promises and stand on them with confidence because I know intimately the One who made the promises. My faith is in the One who gave the promise. I trust that promise and will not waver because I know the One Who will not fail me; He is trustworthy. I can fail in my faith, and I do sometimes through ignorance or lack of understanding of His Word, but it is never because of Him. Lovingly He picks me back up and dusts me off and I begin again aligning myself with His Word once again. You will never see me saying, “faith doesn’t work” or, “that promise is not true,” just because I haven’t seen the answer yet. You see I know the One Who made the promise and that makes the promise sure. Seek Him in His Word. Don’t just seek the promises but grow a relationship with the One Who made the promises. Learn Who He is in a way that will cause you to never doubt any promise that He has spoken in His Word. He loves you so much and is waiting....
1 Cor 1:9; 32:4; 23:19; 1 John 4:16; Romans 8:31; Matthew 28:20; Jeremiah 29:11
Deborah Nichols
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